Five of the best online casino games

Online casino gaming has opened up whole worlds of gaming possibilities for people, but even though there’s a plethora of choice out there in terms of what games to play, there are some games that always remain the most popular to play at online casinos.
1. Slots
Image by wuestenigel 
Everyone who’s played online casino has had a go at playing slots at some point. Most gamers start out with slots, and some never move onto the more ‘complicated’ games like roulette and poker. Slots come with an amazing amount of variety, and each casino site has hundreds of slots for their players to choose from. Part of the reason slots are so popular is that they’re really easy to play, so it’s a great choice for a casual player. There’s no strategizing required – you just have to hope luck is on your side when you set the reels spinning.


2. Poker
Image by chrischappelear 
Poker is a game that used to be limited to those who knew how to play. 32Red online casino play now has meant that poker has been turned that on its head, as now anyone who wants to learn about poker can do so as they play games online. Many of the sites offer great welcome bonuses as well as entries to freeroll tournaments, where new players can hone their poker playing skills before they enter cash tournaments. There have also been numerous TV shows around poker which has encouraged an uptake of the thinking gambler’s game online.
3. Roulette
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Of all the casino games, this table game has to be one of the most iconic. And now that you can play the game online, it’s one that really attracts new players. The wheel may be virtual but the thrill of watching the ball clatter around the edge and come to a halt who knows where is not at all diminished when you play online. Many sites offer 3-D visuals on a game of roulette, so you can get a great view of the ball’s progress.
Novices to roulette don’t realise how complex the bets can be when you play, and playing online you can always switch to demo mode to try out more complicated betting strategies before you put real money down. Check out 32Red roulette to see the different possibilities available.
4. Blackjack

Image by Bob Owen 

Blackjack’s another classic game that many casual gamers are drawn to play when they first start gaming online. For one thing, blackjack is a game where your decisions can affect the house edge, and the advantage changes from dealer to players as the game is played out. Online blackjack is fun to play as the hands are quick, but if you’re patient and concentrate you should be able to accumulate winnings over time. Some people prefer to play the games like slots that offer instant gratification if you win, but playing blackjack you’ll be more likely to move upwards over a period of time.
5. Bingo


Image by sarae 

Though not strictly a casino game, many casino sites also offer bingo games and it’s easily one of the most popular games played on many sites. Whatever mood you’re in, you can always play a game of bingo. It requires almost zero effort on the player’s part and the win is always down to luck. Bingo’s a great game for unwinding and chilling out with, and with all the sites hosting bingo chat rooms, it can be one of the most sociable online games around.

